Zech 7:13 “Since they refused to listen when I called to them, I would not listen when they called to me, says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies.
Proverbs 28:9 He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.
Psalm 66:18, If I had cherished iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.
Proverbs 15:29 The LORD is far from the wicked, But He hears the prayer of the righteous
Isaiah 1:15 BEREAN When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide My eyes from you; even though you multiply your prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are covered with blood.
I ask the question does God hear the prayers of the righteous because if he does then presumeably if the one who asking asks God to forgive him then what is the point of being born again. I mean he is then forgiven isn’t he? So if God heard and answered the prayers of the unrighteous then he would think hes right with God when he is not. Thirdly If God hears and answers the prayers of the unrighteous then its OK for him to pray the sinners prayer and he would be saved?
BUT these scriptures above tells us that God does not hear the prayers of the unrighteous RATHER the scriptures exhort the unrighteous to repent and be baptised for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38) the God gives his Spirit, a divine seal that the soul is now his child one born of water and Spirit. Its him the Lord hears. David the psalmist continues..
Come and listen, all you who fear God, and I will declare what He has done for me I cried out to Him with my mouth and praised Him with my tongue. If I had cherished iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not have listened But God has surely heard; He has attended to the sound of my prayer Blessed be God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld from me His loving devotion! (Psalm 66:16-20).
Its so easy to pray and ask God to forgive us, yet its harder to do what God requires and that is obey him and repent and be baptised. God does not take this lightly. He is against the wicked every day. So do we get the ear of God and how are folks saved? When they respond in obedience to the command of the Lord to be Born again (John 3:5) It’s upon one’s obedience to the Lord that God responds.
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