God is Doing It…Can You See It?
Behold I make all things New
The new year came and gone, well the one day we call new year day, came and gone, Man was filled with hope and vision as indeed the world is at this time, where we express our optimism and share our hope of a better tomorrow. Of course it is but another day, Nature does not take another path, the sun does not stop shining, the morning follows the night, just as it always has. the moon and stars appear and disappear as they always have. I fear that in our routine we miss the remarkable. Nature all around us expresses the remarkable faithfulness of God. Nature in fact announces God’s faithfulness and its newness every day. To God every day is a new day. Lamentations 3 ‘his mercies never fail, they are new every morning, great is they faithfulness.’ just a look up and we will see the faithfulness of God in offering new opportunities on a daily basis to us mere man.
The ringing out of the new and the bringing in of the new is our own idea of course, well as I have said even nature itself expresses its desire to move out of what has been and into that which is about to be. It’s in our nature too. We long for the new, we shop for it and drop for it. we live for it too. every pay day we go on a mission to get that new thing, car, clothes, furniture, whatever it is that the flesh craves for and desires.
The temporality of things times and season’s. the changeable things of man if I were to ponder those things indeed would I not be dismayed. ‘Vanity of vanity saith the preacher,’ do we not play with life, little realizing that it is in vain, yes in vain to live for self. All is vanity, now that’s the conclusion of the wisest man who ever lived, so how must hope have I got of redefining life if the man who had it all and plenty of it could thus so define his day as one of vanity. why did he see his life as one of vanity when he possessed choice gold silver land and things in abundance.
Vanity or ‘vapour,’ the word is expressed 37 times in his book and its used to express his striving for things as one would ‘strive after the wind’ he stated that life without God and an appreciation of him is a life lived in vain. for things, achievements, attainments, medals, rewards, possessions all leave man empty and un-bemused. Nothing man made can satisfy the soul made by God. indeed God has made in all of us a part that no thing, can fulfil that is our being. man without God is lonely lost and unliberated. No matter what owns. I was reading yesterday of Jeff Brazos’s mega-yaught, yet to me friend the more a man has of this worlds goods is not a sign of contentment but loss, yes loss of soul.
What then is the answer? how then should we live. We should take hold of life and live it for God pursuing his purposes for our lives. finding contentment in serving others more than serving ourselves. we should find peace in being right with God. not trying to fill that void by bragging and getting but rather fill the void by being and believing that is being Christ followers and believing in his promises, yes chase his promises as if you were chasing gold, that is taking hold of life, for Christ himself is life.
Let the light outside remind you, Go speaks, he gives forth his light as instruction as how to live our day. Solomon concluded; let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter; fear God and keep his commandment, for this is mans all. For God will bring every work into judgement, including every secret thing, whether good or evil (Ecc 12;13,14).
God is making all things new. trust him to do it for you. he’s starting it off with the morning. every morning is a new morning yes that is what God is doing. and with it comes a new opportunity, a new faith to be grabbed a hold of, a new opportunity coming your way and all things are being made new for you.
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