
08-02-2025 Vol 19

The Place of Compassion in our Ministry

I sat where they sat (Ezekiel 3;15).
EzekieL ‘Strength of GOD’ and strong he was, He went to Tel Abib and sat where the people sat  for seven days in silence. To learn and discover their ways. Before he could preach and warn he had to perfect the Word in him. It is easy for the preacher to say what’s on his mind instantaneously and in quick response, just take a look at Facebook many are quick to right what they see as wrong yet will not take the time to sit and wait in order to understand and connect to those to whom he is sent.
Ezekiel was sit where they sat in order to learn about them what he did not know. Oh how easy it is to be quick to preach too yet slow to consider and show respect or love.  Many shut their eyes yet open wide their lips. Its easier to hurt rather than connect and restore. its easier to defend ones faith than win a soul. they indulge in sever truth telling as if its a medal to display. forgetting that the master on the cross displayed love that won that a world not a sermon. Some never sweeten their medicine, but give out a heavy dose even if it kills their contact. the fact that they said it as it is, qualities them as apostolic or does it?
The Lord dealt kindly with others. He got the woman at the well to ask for the water of life, He did not focus on her adulterous affairs but rather sat where she say and met he need. He won Zachaeus by sitting at his home, His kindness won the lost, his graciousness attracted the hungry. Kindness is greater than cleverness or genius. LOVE bigger than knowledge of scriptures and possessing the title of preacher.
Lets not judge others based on their hair style, or lack of it. Lets not fashion our message or approach based on the fact that others are so unlike us and don’t believe  exactly what we believe. Believing in a truth does not make you more apostolic than me, its love and compassion that reveals your true status, not your collar or pin stripe suite. My bear does not make me less apostolic neither does it make me less holy. in fact the most critical often are the least approachable, because they pride themselves on a dress code but neglect the compassion code to their detriment.
Jesus reached individuals as souls not criminals. he did not preach at them, he preached as one of them, he did not open their wounds and make their wounds bigger rather he gave them compassion and revealed the love of God to them.
Before we condemn the man lets put ourselves in their place. better still condemn him not. rather give his Jesus

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